New South Wales (NSW)
Legal Advice Information NSW New South Wales
  1. The Law Online - legislation, judgments, journal articles
  2. Self-Help - self-help kits, practical legal information, explanations about the law
  3. Service Providers - community legal centres, non-profit service providers, free legal services, solicitors
  4. The Courts - court hierarchy, links to court and tribunal websites
  5. Parliament - information on New South Wales and Federal parliament
  6. Research - online legal material for researchers
  7. (coming soon)
  8. Law Related Information - miscellaneous law related websites
  9. Law / Legal Jobs - finding a legal job in New South Wales
  10. Law RSS News - legal / law related news feeds in RSS or Podcast format (what is RSS and Podcast?)

  1. The Law Online
click for legislation
Parliamentary Counsel's Office : provides access to NSW state legislation and bills.

click for legislation
NSW Judgments : the New South Wales Attorney's-General Department site providing access to judgments / case law.

click for legislation
High Court Judgments : The High Court is the highest appeal court in the New South Wales Court hierarchy and for the Federal and other State / Territory courts hierarchies.  Select either judgments, transcripts (usually of applications for leave to appeal) or media releases of judgment summaries.
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AustLII : Australian Legal Information Institute provides access to judgments and legislation throughout Australia. The site also contains journal articles and information on various legal subjects.
click to enter scaleplus
ComLaw : contains all legislation of the Commonwealth and non self-governing Territories.  ComLaw has superseded ScalePLUS.

click to enter scaleplus
Australian Law Online : provided by the Australian Federal Government to give access to Commonwealth, State and Territory government legal information and services available nationwide.
click to enter Glossary of Legal Terms : Use the glossary to find meanings to many legal terms (or common terms that may have a specific legal meaning).  Provided by Legal Aid New South Wales.
click to enter NSW Govt Law Online : information about the law as provided by the New South Wales State Government.
click to enter Law Access : a New South Wales State Government sponsored site, Law Access is a portal to reliable legal information.


2. Self-Help - note that self-help kits do not substitute professional legal advice
click to enter Legal Aid NSW : the Brochures and Publications page provides access to self-help information in PDF format covering a variety of common legal issues.
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Law Stuff : provides legal information and resources for young people in New South Wales.

Public Trustee
Consumer Credit Legal Centre : has a variety of fact sheets and sample letters to help manage credit and debt problems.

Public Trustee
Tenants' Union of New South Wales : the Tenants' Union has numerous fact sheets and other information (and can be contacted by telephone) to obtain free legal information about renting in NSW.  The Tenants' Rights Manual is a particularly useful resource.
click to enter Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Woman's Legal Centre: Wirringa Baiya is a community legal centre for Aboriginal women, children and youth living in New South Wales.  Wirringa Baiya focuses on issues relating to violence against Aboriginal women, children and youth and the site provides a number of fact sheets on legal issues.
Public Trustee
Disability Discrimination Centre Inc (NSW) : information on disability discrimination in New South Wales.

Public Trustee
NSW Office of Fair Trading : The Office of Fair Trading provides a wealth of information for consumers and businesses.
3(a). Legal Service Providers - Community Legal Centres
click to enter caxton legal centre
Combined Community Legal Centres Group (NSW) Inc: an excellent portal to access community legal centres in New South Wales all from one website.
click to enter caxton legal centre
Australian Community Legal Service: Legal questions answered by solicitors and legally qualified consultants via a free call legal advice hotline.  All NSW legal enquiries welcome.
click to enter the TUQ website
Tenants' Union of NSW : The Tenants' Union provides a number of services about tenants' rights and obligations and an advice line.
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Environmental Defenders Office (NSW) : Provides legal advice and assistance on public interest planning and environmental matters.
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AustLII Index of NSW Community Legal Services: Find a community legal services near you thanks to this index from AustLII.
  4. The Courts
NSW Courts : New South Wales State Government portal to the NSW and Federal Courts..
High Court of Australia : The High Court is the highest court in Australia and may hear appeals from decisions from the New South Wales or Federal court system. Provides information on the court and the justices, transcripts of speeches and links to High Court judgments.
Federal Court : The Federal Court of Australia is a Commonwealth court and is part of a separate hierarchy to the New South Wales Court system. It's jurisdiction is generally limited to Federal matters.
Family Court : part of the Federal court system. The website contains a wealth of information on family law issues including self-help kits and a step by step guide to proceedings.
Federal Magistrates Courts : The Federal Magistrates Courts are the lower courts of the Federal court system.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal : The AAT is a body which provides independent review of a wide range of administrative decisions made by the Australian Commonwealth government and some non-government bodies.
  5. Parliament
New South Wales State Parliament : The official NSW State Parliament website.  Includes information on the NSW Parliamentary system.
Commonwealth / Federal Parliament : The official Federal Parliament website.  Includes information on the Federal Parliamentary system including the role of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  7. Law Related Information
click to enter NSW Police Service : the Police website guides to protecting yourself and your property.
click to enter Australian Institute of Criminology:  is the national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and for the dissemination of criminal justice information. Online access to the Trends & Issues journal, crime statistics, crime and policy research and other publications.
click to enter Australian Law Reform Commission: The ALRC conducts inquiries - known as references - into areas of law reform at the request of the Attorney-General of Australia. Site provides online access to many ALRC publications.
click to enter Butterworths Legal Express : law news from Lexis-Nexis Australia.
click to enter e-LAW Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law is a general journal of law and legal issues with free online access.
8. Law / Legal Jobs
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NSW Government Legal Jobs: search for legal jobs on the official New South Wales Government job vacancy website.

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Hays Recruitment : use the job search function to find law jobs throughout Australia.

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Robert Walters Recruitment : use the job search function to find law jobs throughout Australia.

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Hudson Legal Recruitment: use the job search function to find law jobs throughout Australia.
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Focus Legal Recruitment: use the job search function to find law jobs throughout Australia or subscribe to the Hot Jobs email list.
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Federal Magistrates Court of Australia : check out the current job vacancies at the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia (Commonwealth employer).
click to enter site
Federal Court of Australia : check out the current job vacancies at the Federal Court of Australia (Commonwealth employer).
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High Court of Australia : check out the current job vacancies at the High Court of Australia (Commonwealth employer).
click to enter site
Family Court of Australia : check out the current job vacancies at the Family  Court of Australia (Commonwealth employer).
9. NEWS - RSS news feeds and Podcasts
  What is RSS? - click here to find out
What is a Podcast? - click here to find out
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CCH Law News Feed:  (copy and paste the link into your RSS news aggregator / reader)

click to enter site
ABC News Radio - Crime Law and Justice News Feed: (copy and paste the link into your RSS news aggregator / news reader:
click to enter site
ABC Radio National - Law Report Podcast: (copy & paste the link into your RSS news aggregator)

click to enter site
Ethics & Health Law News Feed: copy & paste the link into your RSS news aggregator / news reader -

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